We encourage papers by PhD students and post-docs undertaking research in any area related to the economics of climate change. We encourage papers that use empirical methods, theory or numerical modelling. Papers can be single authored or co-authored. No restrictions apply to co-authors, i.e. coauthors can be senior researchers.
The workshop will explore recent advances in climate economics, with an emphasis on the linkage between empirical and numerical modeling methods. One goal of the workshop is to bring junior and senior researchers together. The final program will combine presentations from invited leading senior researchers and presentations from the most promising junior researchers (PhD students and postdocs).
Applications should be submitted online here.
Please include either a full working paper or an extended abstract (1-2 pages). PhD students should include a brief letter of recommendation from their advisor that indicates that the submitted abstract/paper will be ready for a full presentation for the workshop.
The workshop will be held at UC Berkeley on Fri 1/19 and Sat 1/20, 2018. All travel and lodging costs will be covered for presenters.
The workshop is organized by David Anthoff, Max Auffhamer, and Solomon Hsiang, in collaboration with the Social Science Matrix at UC Berkeley.
Any questions regarding the workshop should be directed to Eva Seto.
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