A “drought” can be defined, it seems, in a million different
ways. Webster’s dictionary says it’s “a period of dryness especially when prolonged; specifically: one that causes
extensive damage to crops or prevents their successful growth.” Wikipedia tells
me “Drought is an extended period when a region receives a deficiency in its
water supply.” The urban dictionary has a different take.
But nearly all definitions share the concepts of dryness and
of damage or deficiency. We’ve talked a lot on this blog about drought from an
agricultural perspective, and in particular how droughts in agriculture can (or at least should) often be blamed as much on high temperatures and strong evaporative demand as
on low rainfall. At the same time, there’s lots of interesting work going on
trying to assess drought from a hydrological perspective. Like this recent
summary by Trenberth et al.
The latest is a clever study by Greve et al. that tries to
pin down whether and where droughts are becoming more or less common. They
looked at lots of combinations of possible data sources for rainfall,
evapotranspiration (ET) and potential evapotranspiration (ETp). They then chose
those combinations that produced a reasonable relationship between E/P and
ETp/P, defined as the Budyko curve, and used them to calculate trends in
dryness for 1948-2005. The figure below shows their estimate of wet and dry
areas and the different instances of wet areas getting wetter, wet getting
drier, etc. The main point of their paper and media coverage was that these
trends don’t follow the traditional expectation of WWDD (wet get wetter and dry
get drier) – the idea that warming increases the water holding capacity of the
air and thus amplifies existing patterns of rainfall.
Also clear in the figure is that the biggest exception to
the rule appears to be wet areas getting drier. There don’t seem to be many dry
areas getting wetter over the last 50 years.
Other than highlighting their nice paper, I wanted to draw
attention to something that seems to get lost in all of the back-and-forth in
the community looking at trends in dryness and drought, but that I often
discuss with agriculture colleagues: it’s not clear how useful any of these
traditional measures of drought really are. The main concept of drought is
about deficiency, but deficient relative to what? The traditional measures all
use a “reference” ET, with the FAO version of penman-monteith (PM) the gold
standard for most hydrologists. But it’s sometimes forgotten that PM uses an arbitrary
reference vegetation of a standard grass canopy. Here’s a description from the
standard FAO reference:
“To avoid problems of local calibration which would require demanding and expensive studies, a hypothetical grass reference has been selected. Difficulties with a living grass reference result from the fact that the grass variety and morphology can significantly affect the evapotranspiration rate, especially during peak water use. Large differences may exist between warm-season and cool season grass types. Cool-season grasses have a lower degree of stomatal control and hence higher rates of evapotranspiration. It may be difficult to grow cool season grasses in some arid, tropical climates. The FAO Expert Consultation on Revision of FAO Methodologies for Crop Water Requirements accepted the following unambiguous definition for the reference surface:
"A hypothetical reference crop with an assumed crop height of 0.12 m, a fixed surface resistance of 70 s m-1 and an albedo of 0.23."
The reference surface closely resembles an extensive surface of green grass of uniform height, actively growing, completely shading the ground and with adequate water."
Of course, there are reasons to have a reference that is
fixed in space and time – it makes it easier to compare changes in the physical
environment. But if the main concern of drought is about agricultural impacts,
then you have to ask yourself how much this reference really represents a
modern agricultural crop. And, more generally, how relevant is the concept of a
static reference in agriculture, where the crops and practices are continually
changing. It’s a bit like when Dr. Evil talks about “millions of dollars” in Austin Powers.
Here’s a quick example to illustrate the point for those of you still reading. Below is a plot I made for a
recent talk that shows USDA reported corn yields for a county of Iowa where we
have run crop model simulations. I then use the simulations (not shown) to
define the relationship between yields and water requirements. This is a fairly
tight relationship since water use and total growth are closely linked, and
depends mainly on average maximum temperature. The red line then shows the
maximum yield that could be expected (assuming current CO2 levels ) in a dry year, defined as the 5th
percentile of historical annual rainfall. Note that for recent years, this
amount of rainfall is almost always deficient and will lead to large amounts of
water stress. But 50 years ago the yields were much smaller, and even a dry
year provided enough water for typical crop growth (assuming not too much of it was
lost to other things like runoff or soil evaporation).
An alternative to the PM approach is to have the reference ET
defined by the potential growth of the vegetation. This was described originally,
also by Penman, as a “sink strength” alternative to PM, and is tested in a nice recent paper by Tom Sinclair. It would be interesting to see the community
focused on trends try to account for trends in sink strength. That way they’d be
looking not just at changes in the dryness part of drought, but also the
deficiency part.
As someone interested in climate change, it’s nice to see
continued progress on measuring trends in the physical environment. But for
someone concerned about whether agriculture needs to prepare for more drought,
in the sense of more water limitations to crop growth, then I think the answer
in many cases is a clear yes, regardless of what’s happening to climate. As yield potential become higher and higher, the bar for what counts as "enough" water continues to rise.
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